Since 2018 you have known us as 'Stabiplan, a Trimble company'. Nothing illegal here (no any file, crack, patch, codes, keys, generators, dongle emulators links here), this is only site links resource as thousands other internet sites. And now we take the next step: our company name has been changed to Trimble. Discover what Trimble can do for you Make BIM a reality by transforming disconnected workflows into a coordinated, constructible, and actionable building model. Information on this website represents some compatibility list and is for our own knowledge. This absolutely does not mean that we are selling the illegal copies of these. SprinkCAD Sprinkler System Design Software Suite. The SprinkCAD software suite provides comprehensive tools for sprinkler system design, hydraulic calculation, fluid delivery time calculation and more. Stabicad 10 is the tool that allows the installation sector to collaborate with other construction partners. Stabicad is a design software for electrical and mechanical engineering. The MEP design flow is the basis of everything we do in Stabicad: their software fits into the practice of the MEP engineer from advice, design, detailing, and implementation to maintenance. Important - Carefully read: this is a legal agreement between your company (you) and Victaulic company (Victaulic) for the victaulic product content you have chosen to download. It includes both the construction and the management phase. Introducing the newest software additions: before continuing with the installation of the victaulic product content, you must read, acknowledge and accept the terms of the license agreement below (the Agreement). SprinkCAD for Revit®: This optional add-on toolkit is designed to make Revit ® design simpler and faster with tools that allow you to build your own custom Families in seconds with the family builder – draw arm-overs, sprigs, drops and 'goose-necks' at any elevation, and much more. Revit ® Tools is available as a standalone license and is compatible with both SprinkCAD™ 3D and SprinkCAD™ Classic. Learn more at the Revit® Tools solutions page.

SprinkCAD™ 3D 5.0 The latest version of SprinkCAD 3D (version 5.0) brings new enhancements to this all-in-one solution for fire sprinkler system design.Backed by the world-class service and support of Johnson Controls, SprinkCAD™ 3D 5.0 is the single source for fire sprinkler design and calculation components that enables you to do more than ever before. Learn more at the SprinkCAD™ 3D solutions page.